The South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union 

Обладатель титула: "Лучшая большая палата стран Азиатско-тихоокеанского региона" 

Челябинская область
Russia, Chelyabinsk Region
Business Link
Business Link UK
   22 Commercial Street, Sheffield S1 2AT UK
   Tel: (0114) 275 0335
   Fax: (0114) 266 3047
   Dear Sir/Madam,
   As you know the British market is most attractive one of the most attractive in business world.
   Indeed, Government support, European investments, stable currency and, as a result, well-developed infrastructure are just a few of multiple factors for thousands of new businesses being established in the UK nowadays.
   Our company have been operating on the British market for several years offering a wise range of services to new starters from opening a company in the UK to financial investment advice.
   We respect all our customers irrespectively of their financial situation or nationality.
   You can find the full list of our services on:
   We would like to start introducing ourselves to potential customers in your country and will appreciate every effort to help us bring information about us to your members including advertising possibilities.
   Respectfully yours,
   Michael Tavger
   Managing Director
   Business Link

Вх. №:  652/04
Организация:  Business Link
Адрес:  Великобр., г. Шеффилд, ул. 22 Commercial Street, Sheffield S1 2AT UK
Телефон:  (44 0114) 275 0335
Факс:  (44 0114) 266 3047
Дата начала:  19.03.2004
Дата окончания:  18.04.2004
Место проведения:  Челябинск

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