The South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union 

Обладатель титула: "Лучшая большая палата стран Азиатско-тихоокеанского региона" 

Челябинская область
Russia, Chelyabinsk Region
Organization of Winter Sports, Tourism and Active Recreation Complex «Two Valleys»

Project Initiator Information


Company name

 ZAO «Ashaturservis»

6, ul.Kommunisticheskaya, Asha, Chelyabinsk region, Russia 456010

Tel: (35159) 3-15-06

Fax: (35159) 3-20-75


Boris Pavlovich Chistyakov

Lines of business

Tourism, active recreation 

Brief description of the project

Organization of winter sports, tourism and active recreation complex «Two valleys»


Total project cost

2100.0 million roubles

Required investment

2100.0 million roubles

Investment purpose

Construction of mountain-skiing complex

Implementation period

2 years

Initial permits and approvals

Feasibility study (project)

Development stage


Expected form of cooperation

Share holding in project realization, investment credit, leasing

Contact person

Boris Pavlovich Chistyakov

Tel: (35159) 3-15-06

Fax: (35159) 3-20-75

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