Project Initiator Information


Company name

Physical culture and sports department of the Nagaybak Municipal District Administration 

53, ul.K.Marksa, Nagaybak district, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 457650

Tel.:: (35157) 2-22-36, 2-20-48


Mikhail Petrovich Vasilyev, head of the capital construction department

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Vasilyev, head of the youth and sports department

Lines of business

Organization of sports activities

Brief description of the project

Sports hall construction in the sports center in Fershampenuaz village

Total project cost

26000.0 thousand rubles 

Required investment

4125.0 thousand rubles 

Investment purpose

Sports hall construction

Implementation period


Initial permits and approvals


Development stage

Accomplished - 84%, sports hall – 16%

Expected form of cooperation

Any forms of cooperation

Contact person

Mikhail Petrovich Vasilyev

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Vasilyev

Tel.: (35157) 2-22-36, 2-20-48