The South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union 

Обладатель титула: "Лучшая большая палата стран Азиатско-тихоокеанского региона" 

Челябинская область
Russia, Chelyabinsk Region
Ecological Projects

Within a short period of time Ecological Department of the South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry will cost-effectively work out:


(in case you have no draft standards on waste generation and disposal limits , environment pollution fee for your enterprise is increased fivefold, in case there is no MPE and MPD projects the fee is twenty five times higher)

as well as prepare documents for acquisition of licenses:

The South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry is enlisted among design organizations, recommended to users of natural resources for the purpose of preparation of documents submitted to Ecological Inspection Department of Chelyabinsk Technological and Ecological Inspection Administration for agreement (Letter # 01-1009 of 14.10.2004, signed by B.Y. Skovorodkin).

The ecological service is certified in accordance with international standard of ISO 9000.

The projects are designed with the following software`: “STALKER” (version 4.07), “PRIZMA” (Certificate of GOSSTANDART of Russia # GOST 3.RU.CV03.1.0010, ecological conformity certificate # SER (247)-6/OS-20 of 28.07.2003), developed by scientific-production enterprise “Logus” (Krasnogorsk, Moscow region).

Cost of a project includes costs of project approval and expenses on obtaining a permit for emissions, discharges, contamination material disposal in Chelyabinsk Technological and Ecological Inspection Administration.

Full members of the SUCCI are offered a 10% discount.


Ecology department   

Kucherova Vera Nikolayevna

Head of the department

tel.: (7-351) 264-75-53,

email: [email protected]

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