The South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union 

Обладатель титула: "Лучшая большая палата стран Азиатско-тихоокеанского региона" 

Челябинская область
Russia, Chelyabinsk Region
IBF - Industria Brasileira de Filmes
Dear Sir,
   We are researching X-ray film's dealers in your reaching area.
   In this way, we would like to know if is it possible get your attention and help in order to find entities that combine theses specific dealers or, if you have available, a list of them.
   We are appreciating your previous attention to receive this message and we are hope, to help us.
   If you need some information about our company to attend us, please, let me know in order to satisfy your necessities and requests.
   Thanks for your attention.
   Best Regards.
   Marcelo Chimelli
   IBF - Industria Brasileira de Filmes
   Marketing Department
   Phone: + 5521 2541-1149 Ext.: 296
   Fax: + 5521 2295-2197

Вх. №:  2706/03
Организация:  IBF - Industria Brasileira de Filmes
Адрес:  Бразилия, г. Рио-де-Жанейро
Телефон:  (55-21) + 5521 2541-1149 Ext.: 296
Факс:  (55-21) + 5521 2295-2197
Дата начала:  21.10.2003
Дата окончания:  20.11.2003
Место проведения:  Челябинск

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