The South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility/GS1 Russia (former EAN International) provides the following bar coding services:
- Consulting on bar coding
- Assistance in assigning bar codes (from preparation of required documents up to delivery assigned codes to a client)
- Examination of bar code correctness
- Search for bar code owner, i.e. distributor or manufacturer of goods with the bar code on package.
Bar coding is a modern means of business organization
and collaboration with partners.
Successful business is impossible without up-to-date methods of economic organization and trade relationships with partners. One of the methods is bar coding.
A bar code
According to the GS1 Standard Numbering System all the products (foodstuff, spare parts, whatever) are identified by unique and insignificant number – digital code. The graphical pattern of this number in the form of black and white bars is called “bar code”.
Insignificance of a number suggests that information about goods, services or location is kept in common data base and not included in the number.
Furthermore, digital code as a number of black and white bars alternating in a definite order and of definite sizes can be scanned by machines, it allows to use computer systems for instantaneous loading and reading of information.
The International Standard for identification of goods, services and locations of goods and services allows various branches of industry to exchange information in such a way that all communication participants receive explicit information avoiding any ambiguity.
The global international system of article numbering was established 20 years ago on the basis of European (European Article Numbering Association – EAN International) and North American (Uniform Code Council – UCC) Article Numbering Associations.
The two associations have combined into one in 2005 (GS1, up to the end of 2004 - EAN International). Nowadays GS1unites national organizations in more than 100 countries of the world.
The GS1 national organizations are authorized to use GS1 System at national or regional levels as GS1 official representatives in a particular country or a group of countries. Every country can have only one GS1 representative organization.
GS1 controls GS1 international multi-branch system of article numbering and bar coding which identifies and provides information on goods, services, enterprises, transport units, etc.
Nowadays almost a million companies in 133 countries of the world use GS1 standards in their daily activity. Every day more than 5 billion GS1 codes are scanned. In other words bar coding becomes the only and universal means of communication between business partners.