Capital construction is dynamically developing in the Chelyabinsk region. In 2007 755 objects for the sum of over 11.0 billion rubles were being built for budgetary funds. In 2007 over 1,673.1 thousand square meters of residential space became available (135 % compared with 2006) including 694 thousand square meters which were put into service by individual developers; construction of schools for 1,370 pupils, health institutions for 150 patients, metropolitan construction was continued.
In 2007 and 1st quarter of 2008 a regional children's clinical hospital in Chelyabinsk, swimming pool in Plast, sports complex with a skating-rink in Troitsk, school No. 2 in Yemanzhelinsk were constructed and entered into operation. The equipment installation of the federal centre of cardiovascular surgery has begun, the construction of the Ice sports palace, of the Positron emission tomography centre proceeds.
More than 400 enterprises of construction sector and building materials industry situated in the territory of the region, continuously supply construction projects with their products. In 2007, compared with 2006, the output of cement grew by 14.6 %, production of large-panel and large-block building structures - by 36.9 %, brick output - by 19.1 %; the output of other building materials, structures and products also increased. With the existing volume of construction and its annual growth, enterprises of the construction industry are mostly provided with local raw materials, reserves of which are sufficient in the region.
A number of construction enterprises and building materials enterprises of the region constantly undergo modernization and retooling; new facilities are put into operation.
Besides, many other enterprises of the construction sector undergo reconstruction and modernization, introduce new technologies for construction of houses of different structures and production of up-to-date building materials, structures and products.
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