The South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union 

Обладатель титула: "Лучшая большая палата стран Азиатско-тихоокеанского региона" 

Челябинская область
Russia, Chelyabinsk Region
Development of the Broiler-Raising Ground and Construction of the Slaughter Floor

Project Initiator Information


Company name

ZAO "Chebarkul'skaya ptitsa" ("Chebarkul' poultry")

1,  ul.Suvorova, Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region 456440

Tel.: (35168) 2-07-11


Aleksandr Anatolyevich Piter

Lines of business

Development of agricultural poultry

Brief description of the project

Construction of the slaughter floor and the broiler-raising ground

Total project cost

200 million rubles

Required investment

200 million rubles

Investment purpose

Development of the broiler-raising ground (Pustozyorovo village), construction of the slaughter floor (Chebarkul')

Implementation period

2 years (2006-2007)

Initial permits and approvals

Investment project, credit agreement

Development stage

12 million rubles are actually disbursed (development of the broiler-raising ground in Pustozyorovo village)

Expected form of cooperation

Investment credit, any forms of cooperation

Contact person

Yelena Mikhayovna Chevtayeva, chief accountant

Tel.:(35168) 2-07-11

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