Business Planning
The basic advantages of our business planning services
- Enterprise business planning
- Expert examination of business plans, investment projects
- Drawing up promising and short-time plans
- Free consulting services. If you have difficulties with business planning, market research, investment project planning, evaluation of project efficiency, you can apply for free consulting service by e-mail. It is obligatory to indicate your full name, name, address and telephone of your organization. The answer will be sent to you within 5 days.
- The extended data base of prices and markets. It is only in Russia that there are over 100 Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Furthermore, many countries have chambers of commerce and industry. All of them keep in touch and exchange information.
- Expert examination of business plans, drawing up of expert’s reports for Economic Committee of the Chelyabinsk Region Administration.
- Financial analysis, operation analysis, SWOT-analysis of enterprises, working out of recommendations on solvency and financial stability, forming backlog of business.
- System organization of regular planning and financial analysis.
- Drawing up marketing plan
- Discounts for the SUCCI members
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