Boiler-houses modernisation by way of mounting gas generators fed on waste wood


Information on the project

Name of the author, person in charge

Non-commercial partnership “Center of innovation project “Quark’ (NCP CIP “Quark”)


Oufimtsev Serghey Alexeyevich, Director of the Center< D. Phil. (Technology) academician of Academy of navigation and traffic control

Contacts on this project

South-Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Postal address:454080, Sonya Krivaya Str.,56 office 402, Chelyabinsk Russia

Phone: (351) 263-68-41

Phone/fax (351)264-78-22

E-mail: [email protected]


More information


Title of the project

Boiler-houses modernisation by way of mounting gas generators fed on waste wood

Brief description of the project

The aim of the project is to get thermal and electric power for heating and technological purpose by way of utilising wood wastes. Fire-wood does not contain sulfur (unlike other kinds of organic fuel, has low ash level and is cheaper Besides, using wastes as fuel will help to decide problem of their utilization. It is proposed to transfer hot-water and steam boilers on a producer gas, received with the help of special supplementary gas generators, which convert wood waste to gas.

Innovation level

No patents

State of being relevant

The project may be realised for receiving energy by way of utilising wood wasted in country schools and hospitals

Stage of project mastering


Stage of project realisation


Supposed form of cooperation




Center of Intellectual property


Director of the Center: Yelena A. Kreshnyanskaya

Phone: : (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:  [email protected]

Phone: (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:  [email protected]