Information on the project

Name of the author, person in charge

“Inventor”Company LLC


Tataurov Serghey Ivanovich, Director

Contacts on this project

South-Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Postal address:454080, Sonya Krivaya Str.,56 office 402, Chelyabinsk Russia

Phone: (351) 263-68-41

Phone/fax (351)264-78-22



Extra information


Title of the project

Mobile rotor calibrator

Short description of the project

Development and production of a mobile rotor calibrator, containing a set of gauze cylinders

This unit allows to process any produced quality of cereals and other crops. Capacity of the unit amounts to 4, 8, 16, and 32 tons per hour. There is a travel mechanism of the unit available

Innovation level

1. Two patents for invention ¹1836168 of February,25,1991ã. and ¹2012849 of March,28.1991. (both the patents, acc. to the information dated from December, 8, 2005 are terminated but can be reinstated)


2.Know-how (design and technological philosophy

State of being relevant

A need to use mobile calibrators within the territory of Chelyabinsk region is 1500 pcs. and in Russia – 70000 pcs.


Approbation in enterprises of Bredy district

Stage of project realisation

Now production of the prototype is completed and all the necessary tests are conducted

Supposed form of cooperation


Term of the project realisation



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Center of Intellectual property


Director of the Center: Yelena A. Kreshnyanskaya

Phone: : (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:

Phone: (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email: