High-effective use of brown coal and turf for producing thermal energy in Miass urban district.


Information on the project

Name of the author, person in charge

Non-commercial partnership “Center of innovation project “Quark’ (NCP CIP “Quark”)


Oufimtsev Serghey Alexeyevich, Director of the Center< D. Phil. (Technology) academician of Academy of navigation and traffic control

Contacts on this project

South-Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Postal address:454080, Sonya Krivaya Str.,56 office 402, Chelyabinsk Russia

Phone: (351) 263-68-41

Phone/fax (351)264-78-22

E-mail: [email protected]


More information


Title of the project

High-effective use of brown coal and turf for producing thermal energy in Miass urban district.

Brief description of the project

It is proposed to reconstruct small-sized boilers working on coal and mount principally new furnace plants instead of old ones. These plant will provide for:

-highly efficient burning of all kinds of solid fuel(turf,

 wood waste, brown coal) in the mode of gas


-efficiency increase up to 80 per cent;

-growth of boilers’ ecological compatibility.

Besides, the will allow to supply with heat and electrical power rural settlements and remote farms more rapidly and at low price, and also to use local resources

Innovation level

No patent

State of being relevant

The project may be used for boilers and also for erection plants working on brown coal.

Stage of project mastering


State of project realisation


Supposed form of cooperation




Center of Intellectual property


Director of the Center: Yelena A. Kreshnyanskaya

Phone: : (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:  [email protected]

Phone: (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:  [email protected]