Technology and equipment of products cladding with a flexible instrument


Information on the project

Name of the author, person in charge

Federal State educational establishment “Magnitogorsk State technical university named after G.I. Nossov”


Kadoschnikov Vladimir Ivanovich, Head of the chair “Applied mechanics, graphic, designing technical and technological complexes”

Contacts on this project

South-Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Postal address:454080, Sonya Krivaya Str.,56 office 402, Chelyabinsk Russia

Phone: (351) 263-68-41

Phone/fax (351)264-78-22

E-mail: [email protected]


More information


Title of the project

Technology and equipment of products cladding with a flexible instrument

Short description of the project

Cladding technology and equipment allows to make high quality products with the surface protected from exposure and also possessing higher electroconductivity and increased adhesion. The process is based upon mechanical-thermal impact of the specific instrument with flexible elements upon the surface of the product.

Innovation level

1. Three patents for useful models:

¹ 27999 of July< 10, 2002. Valid;

¹ 32719 of March, 25, 2003. Valid

¹ 46217 of January, 24, 2005. Valid

2. There is know-how in this development

State of being relevant

Industrial enterprises

Stage of project mastering


Supposed form of cooperation




Center of Intellectual property


Director of the Center: Yelena A. Kreshnyanskaya

Phone: : (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:  [email protected]

Phone: (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:  [email protected]