South-Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry



Emergency lighting installation “Lighting tower


Information on the project

Name of the author, person in charge

“Energotechservice” Closed joint Stock Company


Mikryukov A.P. deputy director of production

Contacts on this project

South-Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Postal address:454080, Sonya Krivaya Str.,56 office 402, Chelyabinsk Russia

Phone: (351) 263-68-41

Phone/fax (351)264-78-22



More information


Title of the project

Emergency lighting installation “Lighting tower”

Short description of the project

The installation constitutes a fabric cylinder filled with air from compressor with natrium (metal- halogen) lamp in the upper part. Lightening of areas from 1000 m2 is provided for. When rolled up it may easily be carried in a car boot

Innovation level

Patent for useful models:

-          Valid patent ¹36486 of November,11,2003;

-          Valid patent .¹47486 of April,04,2005

Patent owners – natural persons: Boulatov A.G., Nedorchouk B.L. and Boulatov

State of being relevant

The installation can be used by emergency and recovery works in mass measures in housing and communal services s.o.

Stage of project mastering

Experimental and industrial prototype

The lightening tower is being tested in emergency trains of “Russian railways” JSC and in rescue parties of Ministry of extraordinary situations.

Supposed form of cooperation


Term of project realisation


Center of Intellectual property


Director of the Center: Yelena A. Kreshnyanskaya

Phone: : (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email:

Phone: (351) 264-78-22, 263-68-41, email: