Name of organization

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Zavod Pribor" Plant

POB 11580, Komsomolskiy Ave 29, Chelyabinsk city, Russia 454138

tel./fax: +7 (3512) 798-85-10 / +7 (3512) 741-46-72

e-mail: [email protected]

Head of organization

Vitaly Mikhailovich Sidorov

Types of activity

The market on which the "Zavod Pribor" Plant is present can be defined as a market of components of technological-process automation equipment. The plant produces both elements (details and assembly units) and components of automation equipment which allow integrating pressure gauges, temperature gauges and flowing sensors into different technological processes.

In terms of branch orientation, main end users of our products are enterprises of power, oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, nuclear and metallurgical industries, mechanical industry. Our products are exported abroad through the offices of our partners

Brief description of the project

Creation of lathe and miller machine area for production of component parts.

Acquisition of machines of lathe and miller group for the purpose of reduction of production cycles, increase of product quality, reduction of expenses on production and operation, reduction of production areas, expansion of models range, competitive recovery, receipt of additional orders

Total project cost

29.1 million roubles

Required investment

21.6 million roubles

Recoupment period

2.4 years

Project documentation

Feasibility study

Development stage


Expected forms of cooperation

Leasing-purchase of equipment, bank loan for acquisition of equipment

Contact person

Deputy director - Rustam Faizovich Mukhametshin