The main objective of the system of the region’s public health service is protection and strengthening of public health, real rise in life’s quality and duration, advancement of affordability and quality of medical aid, perfection of all the levels and branches of the public health service.
The total amount of medical institutions in the region in the beginning of 2006 was 951. The state and municipal sectors of the public health service numbered 393 institutions, including: hospitals – 191, dispensaries – 47, out-patient clinics – 90, etc. The non-state sector is represented by 558 institutions.
Therapeutic aid to the region’s population is rendered by 13241 doctors and almost 35 thousand paramedical personnel and nursing staff
The amount of financing of the region’s public health service is raised every year. The 2005 total amount of financing the public health service sphere was 10 billion rubles. The consolidated amount of the region’s expenditures on provision of medicines and medical purpose articles grew 40% in 2005 in comparison with 2004. In 2005 a number of regional target programs was being realized. The regional budget expenditures on them were 52.6 mln rubles. In December 2005 there has been approved and adopted the regional target program of realizing national project “Health” for2006-2010.
In 2005 there have been commissioned major public health service objects: Central district hospital with in-patient and out-patient clinics for 350 visits a shift in Uyskoye village, out-patient clinic for 400 visits a shift in Troyitsk town, children's out-patient clinic for 500 visits a shift in Chelyabinsk city.
One of the priorities in the activities of Chelyabinsk region’s public health service is maternal and children's health. In 2005 the infant and maternal mortality indices have been reduced.
The development of general practitioners’ clinics is going on: now they are 16 in Chelyabinsk region, rendering aid to 98 thousand people.
The region’s public health service institutions have introduced a number of new technologies of disease prevention and early diagnostics: health schools, sick inspection rooms, screenings for detection of socially important illnesses. In 2005 for the 1st time in the region a set of measures has been realized with the aim of forming healthy life-style of population; it includes mediaproject, social advertising, sociological interviews with population.
Further developed were new kinds of highly-technological aid in cardiosurgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, carcinology etc.
There have been developed and introduced into practice of region’s public health service a standardization system as a tool of raising quality of medical aid and quality control. In 2005, 58 regional standards of public health service and 20 clinico-organizational manuals have been approved.