Project Initiator Information


Company name

Private entrepreneur Palekhina

39, ul.Tankistov, Korkino, Chelyabinsk region, Russia 456550

Tel.: (35145) 2-47-81


Galina Petrovna Palekhina – director    

Lines of business

Goat milk production

Brief description of the company

The individual family enterprise has been working for 3 years. The market is wide and is constantly expanding due to high quality of products.  The quality of milk is certified by the laboratory of the veterinary department.

Brief description of the project

The project is aimed at the expansion of the high quality goat’s milk production. 

Total project cost

1.7 million rubles

Required investment

1 million rubles

Investment purpose

Purchase of breeding and productive stock, purchase of the equipment and feed 

Implementation period

3 years

Initial permits and approvals

Investment project is available

Development stage


Expected form of cooperation

Investment credit

Contact person

Galina Petrovna Palekhina

Tel.: (35145) 2-47-81