Project Initiator Information


Company name

ÎÀÎ "Bakery plant named after Grigorovich", 

ÎÀÎ  "Soya-produkt"

2, Melkombinat village, Chelyabinsk, Russia 454080                                                                                          E-mail: [email protected]


Aleksandr Pavlovich Berestov

Lines of business

Production of flour, soy concentrated product, soy isolate, oil meal, soy oil, soy texturator

Brief description of the company

ÎÀÎ "Soya-produkt" is a part of “Soyuz-Pishcheprom” holding that takes the leading positions among the suppliers at the Russian foodstuff market.  At the current stage of the project realization the enterprise produces soy oil meal and soy oil. 

Brief description of the project

The project includes the provision of market with high quality unique dietetic foodstuff with high content of protein that tastes as its animal foodstuff analogues.  

Total project cost

18.51 million euro

Required investment

17.2 million euro

Investment purpose

Purchase of the equipment, construction of permanent buildings (workshops, warehouses)

Implementation period

1.5 year

Initial permits and approvals

Project documentation (technological part, architectural part, composite construction budget)

Development stage

Analysis and choice of a new technology on soybeans processing is carried out; the practice of soybeans processing at the press production is under way.  The growing of soybeans on the territory of the Chebarkul district is organized. The negotiations with the suppliers of the equipment and technologies for soybean deep processing are under way.

Expected form of cooperation

Investment credit, leasing, share holding

Contact person

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pakhomova, financial director

Tel.: (351) 749-48-03                                                                                                                                                               Å-mail: [email protected]                                                                                                                                                                         Elena Mikhailovna Palkina, head of the financial department

Tel.: (351) 749-48-78                                         

Å-mail: [email protected]