Project Initiator Information


Company name

OOO “MetallINprom”

6, Promyshlennaya, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 454038

Phone/fax (351) 231-92-38


Oleg Vladimirovich Bobylev, chief engineer

Lines of business

Nickel matte and stainless metal scrap processing

Brief description of the project

The project provides for launching of the production of electric arc furnace DSP-6H2 for re-melting of nickel matte and non-corrosive steel scrap and production of burden bars with the mass of up to 500 kg.

The feedstock is the metallurgical production waste products of OJSC “CHMK”, OJSC “Ufaleynickel”.

Project name

Construction of a miniplant for nickel matte and non-corrosive metal scrap processing

Total project cost

68 million rubles

Required investment

68 million rubles

Investment purpose

Organization of the metallurgic mini plant for ferronickel production by means of nickel matte processing.

Implementation period

5 years

Initial permits and approvals


Development stage

The project is ready to realization

Expected form of cooperation

Investment credit

Contact person 

Oleg Vladimirovich Bobylev

Tel./fax: (351) 231-92-38