Name of organization

Closed joint-stock company «Scientific-production company TomoKvant»,

16-23, Zababachina street, Snezhinsk town,

(Mailing address: 8, Komsomolskaya street, Snezhinsk town, Chelyabinsk region, 456770)

Head of organization

Maksim Valeryevich Krushniy

Lines of business

Production of medical diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, surgical facilities, medical devices, orthopedic appliances and component parts of thereof; appliances production, based on x-ray, alpha-, beta- and gamma radiation usage

Brief description of the project

Project objective is to organize Authorized Service Center of the firm «Varian» (USA) working on modernization and repair of X-ray equipment, using newest world achievements in that field. Project implementation will allow to do direct repair of X-ray tubes without unit replacement, their installation in this equipment, servicing. Film-type X-ray equipment modernization is aimed at turning them into digital equipment with super-resolution by using semiconductor high- area matrix with computer system and software.

Total project cost

20,000,000 roubles

Required investment

10,000,000 roubles

Recoupment period

3 years

Project documentation

Business plan

Project current status

Business plan, premises preparation, approval of equipment delivery specification, staff training

Expected form of cooperation

Investment credit, share holding possibility

Contact person

Maksim Valeryevich Krushniy

tel.: 7 (35146) 22582,
