Project Initiator Information


Company name

Municipal enterprise «Kopeysk Bakery Plant»

2, ul.Obukhova, Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia 456623

Tel./Fax: (239)3-50-64

E-mail: [email protected]     


Viktor Nikolaevich Titov

Lines of business

Production and realization of bread, bakery goods and confectionery

Brief description of the company

The main lines:

trading network expansion, diversification, increase in sales of goods.

The enterprise part at the grain market of Kopeisk is 40%. 

Brief description of the project

The project is aimed at the improvement of quality of bakery goods. 

Project name

Replacement of baking oven FTL-2 ¹1 by oven G4-KHPF-16

Total project cost

2.0 million rubles

Required investment

1.5 million rubles

Investment purpose

Purchase of the equipment for products quality improvement

Implementation period

1 year

Initial permits and approvals

Plan agreement

Development stage


Expected form of cooperation

Investment credit

Contact person

Antonina Nikolaevna Sosnova, deputy director 

Tel./fax: (239) 3-50-64