Project initiator company name and essential information

"Chelyabstroimaterialy" Ltd.

Address: 32, ul. Keramikov, Korkino, Chelyabinsk region 456550

Tel.: (7-351) 280-00-15

The company director

Leonid Fedoseyevich Slepnyov

Lines of business


Cellular concrete blocks under the GOST 21520-89

Lime-Sand Bricks under the GOST 379-95

Fodder and ground lime under the GOST 9179-77

Crushed stone for building under the GOST 8267-93

Mortar sand under the GOST 8736-93

Brief description of the project

Purchase of automatic hydraulic press of the VKP-750 type for automatic production of high-quality lime-sand bricks.

The project provides for increase in volume of production and improvement of bricks quality. Extension of the manufactured goods stock-list

Total project cost

460 877.8 thousand rubles

Required investment

460 877.8 thousand rubles

The project’s payback period (in years)

2.6 years

Documents on the project

Business plan

Development stage

There have been signed a contract of purchase of the press with German firm W+K Maschinenfabrik GmbH and a contract with a leasing company “Gaztranslizing”.

Expected form of cooperation

Share holding, investment credit

Contact person

Valeriy Fyodorovich Sinenko, tel.: (7-351)280-03-11