Project Initiator Information

Federal state unitary enterprise “RUSSIAN FEDERAL NUCLEAR CENTER – all-Russian research and development establishment of applied physics named after academician E.I. Zababakhin” (FSUE “RFNC-ARDEPh named after academician E.I. Zababakhin”).

13, Vasilyev str., p/o box 245, Snezinsk town, Chelyabinsk region, 456770.

tel.: +7 (351)46-3-26-25,

fax: + 7 (351)46- 5-22-33,

teletype: series «P», 124137 SNOW RU,

telex: 124137 SNOW RU,

e- mail:

Company executive

Georgiy Nikolaevich Rikovanov

Lines of business of the organization

Priority direction of FSUE “RFNC- ARDEPh named after academician E.I. Zababakhin” activity is the production and maintenance of nuclear weapon availability, performance of work in the field of peaceful application of atomic energy. The Institute performs the conversion works in the interests of FES, atomic and energy sector, OJSC, “RRW”, develops the modern medical technology, alternative energy sources and equipment for physical protection, actively cooperates with the outstanding scientific and industrial centers of Russia and foreign partners.

Brief description of the project

Within the framework of the project it is supposed to organize the elaboration of the technology of powerful light-emitting diodes production and on their basis the production of ultraviolet radiators, elaboration of experimental instruments for radiation treatment of patients’ skin. It is supposed that the elaborations of the project on the first stage of implementation will be used in the medical establishments and beauty salons; on the second stage it is possible to organize the high-volume production of corresponding modifications of the instruments directly for the consumers.

Total cost of the project

5,5 million rubles

Required investment

3 million rubles

(1,5 million rubles 2008)

Payback period of the project (years)

1,5 years

Project documents

The process regulations of photodiode structures and chips of blue and violet diapason production.

Current project status

All the necessary diagnostic equipment is available, necessary for the elaboration and test prototypes production.

Supposed participants of the project are ChelSU, ChelSMA.

All the necessary conditions for the performance of medical tests are available.

Expected forms of cooperation

Development and introduction of the instruments is supposed to perform in close cooperation with ChelSU and ChelSMA.

Introduction and organization of service maintenance will request the attraction of more wide cooperation of Chelyabinsk companies and enterprises of Chelyabinsk region.

To organize the production and service maintenance of cosmetic instruments for the consumers it is advisably to view the possibility of arrangement the production of these instruments on the available electronic engineering enterprises of Chelyabinsk region.

Contact person

Eduard Pavlovich Magda, head of the research department, Cand. Sc. [Physics and Mathematics]

tel: + 7 (351)46-5-11-21,

fax + 7 (351)46-5-11-01

e – mail: