Project Initiator Information

Federal state unitary enterprise “RUSSIAN FEDERAL NUCLEAR CENTER – all-Russian research and development establishment of applied physics named after academician E.I. Zababakhin” (FSUE “RFNC- ARDEPh named after academician E.I. Zababakhin”).

13, Vasilyev str., p/o box 245, Snezinsk town, Chelyabinsk region, 456770.

tel.: +7 (351)46-3-26-25,

fax: +7 (351)46- 5-22-33,

teletype: series «P», 124137 SNOW RU,

telex: 124137 SNOW RU,

e- mail:

Company executive

Georgiy Nikolaevich Rikovanov

Lines of business of the organization

Priority direction of FSUE “RFNC- ARDEPh named after academician E.I. Zababakhin” activity is the production and maintenance of nuclear weapon availability, performance of work in the field of peaceful application of atomic energy. The Institute performs the conversion works in the interests of FES, atomic and energy sector, OJSC, “RRW”, develops the modern medical technology, alternative energy sources and equipment for physical protection, actively cooperates with the outstanding scientific and industrial centers of Russia and foreign partners.

Brief description of the project

The given project is a project fragment of organization of the optoelectronic elementary base production realized since 2000 in FSUE RFNC- ARDEPh, expenditures connected with the project implementation exceeded 250 million rubles by the present moment.

Within the framework of the given project it is supposed to fulfill the development work and organize the production sectors of the industrial output of the laser diodes and radiators on their basis. The attracted funds are supposed to be used for the purchase of advanced imported equipment: construction and erection work, research and technology is supposed to perform to a considerable extent at the expense of own funds.

Total cost of the project

160 million rubles

Required investment

110 million rubles

(45,5 million rubles in 2008)

Payback period of the project (years)

3 years

Project documents

The project of the optoelectronics production sectors is developed. The results of the production research are drawn up in the corresponding technological documents.

Current project status

The development of the laboratory technologies has been implemented, there have been constructed the experimental models of radiators on the basis of laser diodes as well as the models of solid and fiber-optic lasers with the diode filling, which are the prototypes of the lasers for technological and medical application.

Expected forms of cooperation

The organization of the production of optoelectronics elementary base within the framework of the given project will give an opportunity to produce the wide variety of the optoelectronic instruments and laser technique for the industrial and medial application both directly in FSUE RFNC- ARDEPh and on the interested enterprises of Chelyabinsk region.

Furthermore, FSUE RFNC- ARDEPh organizes the cooperation with the enterprises of other regions of Russia, which are interested in the application of the Russian optoelectronic elementary base.

The implementation of the given project and finishing of organization of the complete cycle of basic optoelectronic components production can make a considerable influence on the diversification of the industrial production in Chelyabinsk region in the direction of nanotechnology.

Contact person

Eduard Pavlovich Magda, head of the research department, Cand. Sc. [Physics and Mathematics]

tel.: +7 (351)46-5-11-21;

fax: +7 (351)46- 5-11-01
